Legion of the Silver Rose
Special thanks to all who have donated:
- Mike and Jeane Rossiter $300
- John Matis $200
- Dennis and Kathy Magnusen $100
- WA 472 Veteran's Museum/Memorial Ctr $300
- Eddie Kane Steel Products Inc. $500
- Ken & Andrea Jackson $250
- Della Garcia $100.00
- ALR Chapter 434 $100.00
- ALR Chapter 262 $250.00
- Bushala Brothers $100.00
- Contractors INC BMB $150.0
- Robert and Nancy Luna $200
- ALR Chapter 255 $200
- ALR Chapter 852 $500
- ALR Chapter 716 $100
- Daryl Carrol (Pappy) $100
- Ben and Mary Lara (Post 262) $200
- Daryl Carrol (Pappy) donating $100 in honor of Jay Johnson Navy Seal Captain
- Paul Patricio (Road Block) for a $250
Donation Information:
Please make checks payable to 'Legion of the Silver Rose'.
Mailing address:
1989 W Dragon Rd
Cochise, AZ 85606